Landscaping | Sidewalk and Patio
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While it is possible to make quality concrete products using either the dry cast or wet cast method, Belluz Concrete only uses the wet cast method. We feel that all of our wet cast products are generally superior to dry cast products for a number of reasons. Our wet cast sidewalks and patio blocks have larger, coarser aggregate (stone) that helps increase resistance to chipping and cracking. Our products are built for the North, perfect for extreme temperatures and our freeze and thaw seasons.

Belluz Concrete’s products are steel reinforced. Without steel reinforcement the quality, durability and most importantly the strength of a unit can be significantly affected. Non-reinforced dry cast products look the same but you likely won’t notice the poor quality until after its in place for several months and cracks begin to develop and it slowly deteriorates.

Our wet cast process gives us the ability to create sharp, detailed finishes for our products that can’t be attained using the dry cast method. You will find our sidewalk and patio blocks have detailed texture and are smooth to the touch (perfect for those bare feet!).

Product Brochure: Download PDF